Why Choose Us

Our board-certified and board-eligible Anesthesiologists and Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists support a wide range of surgical specialties including dentistry,plastics, cosmetics, pain manageme...
Our board-certified and board-eligible Anesthesiologists and Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists support a wide range of surgical specialties including dentistry,plastics, cosmetics, pain manageme...
As part of our preoperative anesthesia management services, we ensure that the equipment and medications are optimal for safety and overall outcome. We are committed to providing you with the highest ...
1) It is significantly less costly and just as safe as at a hospital or surgery center. 2) Your receive the same level of expert professional care as you would receive at a hospital. 3) It is conven...
Our providers are experienced board certified or board eligible Anesthesiologists.
Yes the Aneshthesiologist will be providing one on one care throughout while you are under
anesthesia. He/she is continuously monitoring your vital signs, level of consciousness and total
well-being for the duration of the procedure.
Anesthesia is much safer than it used to be. Advances in equipments and medications now
allow us to be able to provide office-based outpatient anesthesia with the same level of safety
and effectiveness as in the hospital. Joy Anesthesia uses only standard and up to date
equipments and medications at the same level as is used in hospitals. The level of preparation
and safety is the same as you would receive in a hospital.
Our board-certified and board eligible MD Anesthesiologists are trained and experienced at
handling such situations. Our highly skilled providers have the necessary emergency drugs and
equipments at hand and are always prepared for any such events.
You are saving a lot of money by having the procedure in your doctor’s office as opposed to a
hospital or a surgery center. The facility fees the hospitals and Surgery Centers charge is
typically the bulk of your expense when you have surgery or a procedure done.
You will spend sometime in recovery. This is typically about an hour, rarely more for outpatient
procedures. A registered nurse will continue to monitor your vital signs and well-being and will
administer any medications if needed. You will be released to go home when you have met the
criteria for discharge. You will not be allowed to leave alone, you will need a responsible adult
with you. You cannot drive yourself home or go home in a limo or a taxi unescorted.
You may experience one or more of the following side effects for the 24 hours following your procedure:
You should try to rest for the remainder of the day. Increase your activity as tolerated or as instructed by your surgeon.